Academy Award Nominee Celine Song Honored For First Film > 자유게시판

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Academy Award Nominee Celine Song Honored For First Film

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Entertainment media Deadline Interview...What an amazing and great honor, the most wonderful thing to doWhen I was 12Lee Ju-hae, Canada, Becomes a Director After Working as a Writer...The daughter of the director of the movie "Number 3"\t\t\nWith "Fast Lives"Korean-American Director Celine Song Nominated for Academy Award[AFP Yonhap News Agency Photo].Resale and DB prohibited](Los Angeles = Yonhap News) Correspondent Lim Mi-na = With her debut film 'Fast Lives'A Korean-American director who was nominated for the Oscar for Best Picture, the highest authority in the film industryCeline Song, 36, said, "It's amazing and an honor." Director Song said on the 23rd (local time)It's just amazing in the US entertainment media Deadline interview. It's a great honor. The first timeI think it's the coolest thing to be nominated for a movie."He mixed up some expletives with everyone who was a part of this movie,I want to thank everyone who talked to me about this movieEmphasized. While working as a playwright, he made his first ever production of "Fast Lives," marking the 96th anniversary of his careerNominated for Best Picture and Best Screenplay at the Academy Awards.\t\t\nIt's from the movie "Fast Lives"Scene[Courtesy of CJ ENM]. Resale and DB prohibited]He made this movieI had no experience directing short films before, so I didn't even know how to watch a call sheetHe confessed with a smile. He said, "Fast Lives" was nominated for the Academy AwardWhen it comes to becoming one of the three female directorsHe said he didn't know what to say about the current state of the industry because he came inHowever, this movie incorporates my way of life and the fact that I am a womanI feel that there is." To be honest, it's just over the moonI feel the same way," he added. "Fast Lives" is a group that spent their childhood in Korea togetherThe story of the two men and women reuniting in New York for the first time in more than 20 years,It depicts the process of looking back on the meaning of life and relationship amid mixed fate. Korean descentAmerican actor Greta Lee plays the heroine Na Young, and Korean actor Yoo Tae-oh plays her roleHe played the role of Haesung, who eagerly looked for him. A large part of the movie is in KoreaIt was filmed, and most of the lines were in Korean. This movie, like the main character, is actually 12 years oldIt was based on the autobiographical story of Song, who moved to Canada from KoreaThe director is a famous director of "Number 3" (1997) starring Han Suk-kyu and Choi Min-sikShe is also a daughter. \t\t\nWith the two actors of Fast Lives, Yoo Tae-oh and John MagaroDirector Celine Song at the Film Festival[AP Yonhap News material photo]. Resale and DB[Prohibited]Director Song said, "This movie is completely about what happens in every normal person's lifeHe praised himself that he was able to communicate with the audience by portraying the reality of a special moment. He.What led us from the beginning was the way we connected with the audienceHe told me that he talked about his life and made me tell it. He's going forwardThe only thing that I can do is to continue my career as a director based on my steady workIt's a goal." He's 95, so he can barely make it to the setI hope it will be the same until then. The creator's mission is to do the best he canI think it's about continuing to make a movie." And that's what I'm going to do in the futureIt's the only way to go, and the amazing thing I got from my debutIt's the only way to truly repay the glory, and I can tell youHe emphasized that it is the only thing that exists. "Fast Lives" will be held on March 10thAt the Academy Awards, there were awards for Best Picture, including "Oppenheimer," "Barbie," "American Fiction," "The Anatomy of a Fall,""Maestro", "The Barton Academy", "Flower Killing Moon", "Girls",It will compete with nine films, including "John of Interest." The competition for best screenplay is "Fall in Fall."There are four films: Anatomy, Barton Academy, Maestro Bernstein and May DeSembers.\t\t\nWith "Fast Lives"Director Celine Song Nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards [Reuter Yonhap News Agency File Photo].Resale and DB prohibited]
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